Sunday, April 27, 2008

went out today

to an excellent used bookstore and had no trouble convincing the owner to take a pile of zines to stack on his counter. i'm excited, but i feel as if i've just stripped down to nothing in front of the whole world. i'm still not used to the idea of strangers reading my stuff.


emilyclare said...

I know the feeling - like when I sent off the manuscript for my story a few weeks back (still nothing). But I admire your courage to just go and in and put yourself out there... only now I want to eye a zine or two.

Lizzy said...

if you'd like to email me your mailing address, i'd be happy to send you a copy.

Lizzy said...

what is your book about??

emilyclare said...

I sent you an email - so I hope you get it!