Tuesday, June 17, 2008

summer agenda







-read books [Utopia, What is Symbolism?, my new Anna Akhmatova books, Six Not-So-Easy Pieces, The Lord of the Rings, the rest of the Time Quartet, books on trees]
-go on a lot of hand-holding walks
-see Shakespeare plays
-get a lot thinner
-ride my bike
-make money
-practice violin, bass, piano
-finish crocheting my scarf
-learn to knit mittens
-bake a lot of cake
-write a lot of poems and at least two stories

Notice the correlations between this list and the Wants list.


emilyclare said...

I say yes to the reading of good books and hand walking, baking cakes, seeing Shapespeare plays AND especially crocheting and Sleeeeeeeeping too... But no to losing weight (eating good food is too much fun and plus the idea of losing anything... why not gain a spring in your step and walk a little extra; you may surprise yourself :P) I say this having been self-conscious for years and years. But I'm happy with being curvy and healthy!

Lizzy said...
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