Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nice Things

The food situation in my parents' house is dismal, as a rule. They've started living mainly off of frozen dinners, which I am not around to partake of, which include meat, and which do not taste good enough to warrant the ingestion of hundreds and hundreds of calories. I've resigned myself to spending my tip money on food. Today I bought Liberty yogurt and a big honey apple. The apple I ate with Superstore peanut butter when I got home, which was a delicious way to go about it. I like Liberty yogurt a lot. It tastes much much better than any other yogurt to be found at the grocery store and doesn't cost any more than the mediocre brands. If I owned a food company, I would want to produce something similarly good.

I saw Casino Royale last week. I have never seen such an excellent shooting film. I am willing to admit its superiority to The Dark Knight.

And yesterday I bought a Bodum tea glass. They're selling them at Starbucks. I was surprised to see them on the shelf - most of the Christmas mugs are cheap and tacky. These are anything but. They are double-walled. They do not say Starbucks Coffee anywhere on them. It's a rare thrill of relief when a person recognizes something worth more than the money they will spend on it.


Anonymous said...

I bought two honey apples yesterday - they're delicious.

K said...

What store sells liberty yogurt? I love yogurt.

Anonymous said...

Safeway. And Save-On, I think.