Monday, December 1, 2008

Collecting things to move out. So far:

- two square white plates - slightly bigger than desert size, much nicer for small meals than those ridiculous giant dinner plates North Americans seem to consider essential

- two square white bowls - food looks much nicer on white or clear glass

- a big towel, a face cloth, a hand towel

- a french press for tea - I may need another for coffee

- two double-walled borosilicate Bodum glasses

- a loaf pan

- my secret-compartment pillow

- floor lamp

- liquid measuring cup

- an old couch

I want:

- two knives

- a blender

- a cookie sheet

- measuring spoons

- two pots

- a whisk

- eating utensils

- mixing bowls

- a lap top

- a Bernina sewing machine

- small trees

- a bookshelf

- a MYTO chair


emilyclare said...

I must confess... I have always wanted a secret compartment pillow.

Anonymous said...

Really? I'd be happy to make you one.