Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A cheerful post

Glynis reminded me that a new set of goals, a set for October, is in order:

-Walk to Whyte Ave. This has been a goal for quite some time. It will be accomplished tomorrow.

-Finish The Lord of The Rings. I'm in the middle of the third part.

-Finish Six Not-So-Easy Pieces, including all the math.

-Read On The Wealth of Nations.

-Play my new Kymlicka piece to relative perfection.

-Buy a super nice cooking thermometer. Then make marmalade with it.


Anonymous said...

You're going to walk from your house to Whyte ave?!? That's crazy (in a good way).

Lizzy said...

Well, that was the original plan. But Tim and I decided to start slow by walking from NAIT to Churchill Square, then the Legislature grounds, then back to Churchill Square, and finally to the University. Only 15 km all told, but we are planning to walk from my house sometime this month.