Thursday, July 31, 2008

I got my learner's license today. Three and half years late, but I have it. I didn't appreciate it when the woman at the registry office looked at my picture and said, "Oh you poor dear, I'll just use the other one."

Tomorrow I plan to buy camera batteries. This means that photographs of the secret-compartment pillow, my scoodie, Notebook Issue 6, and me wearing 3-D glasses, are forthcoming.

I would really like a photograph of Tim, but I don't think it would be kind of me to demand one, since he hates having them taken almost [but not quite] as much as I do.

I'm really stressed out. I've written a nightmarish piece.

The Dark Knight is super-fantastic.

I think I like cuddling.


emilyclare said...

I still havent got my drivers licence (gulp) it just takes toooo long here and I've got perfectly good buses and trains. Maybe I'll stay in your big old country and get it there one day :p Ah, yes, the Tim of the scared-of-photo types; but we're curuious to see him! And I think I like cuddling too...

Lizzy said...

I'll see what can be done. Maybe if he hears that people in Australia want a look at him, he'll give in. Though it's not likely.

But still, other pictures, hopefully tomorrow!

emilyclare said...

p.s. the dark knight IS super super fantastic!

glynis said...

I got my learners super late too.

I love seeing pictures.

The Dark Knight IS super fantastic.