Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Summer Progresses

I am in good condition, as far as my list goes. An update:

-I am nearly finished Utopia. I really need to find another translation of an Anna Akhmatova collection. D. M. Thomas is not good for her.

-Hand holding walks with a boy have occurred, but not often enough.

-On Saturday Tim and I are going to see As You Like It at an outdoor Shakespeare festival.

-Life is better in size eight, I swear.

-I have relearned how to ride my bike with no hands.

-I got a job at Starbucks. I will be rich soon.

-I haven't slept much. I keep waking up when the sun rises at five, but that is not a bad thing at all. Some days I take naps.

-Piano is now at the two-handed stage, violin is now at the I-can't-wait-to-have-a- teacher-again stage, and bass is at the I-need-to-practice-a-lot-more-stage.

-I stopped crocheting a scarf, because I need some help from my oma on ending my rows, and knitted one instead, all in one night. It's purple and yellow. I can't wait for it to get cold so I can wear it.

-I haven't learned to knit mittens yet. But the season is young.

-The cake has been good. There has been a lot of it.

-I've already mentioned my new story. The poems are few and far between and not excellent or usually decent. I am trying to be patient.

In other news:

-My new room is perfect and extremely clutter-free.

-I've ordered a scoodie from my friend Glynis [bearwoman].

-I have new zine subscribers.

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